END OF TRANSFER #3 October 20, 2014
Hey everybody!
I have now finished my third transfer, it's crazy! This week was a really good one, so I will get into it.
Monday: We had dinner at the Gilberts and they are so cool. And that's about it. Blake shined us and then we tried to visit potentials..
Tuesday: We had lunch at Bro. Sovia's today. He is 88 and he made us french toast, sausage, and bacon, with Key lime pie for dessert. :) It was really good. He was baptized about 13 years ago and he always gives Ben a ride to church for us, so he's super cool. Then we went and volunteered at the Shelterhouse. We sorted and put all the books on the floor, we were sweating after it. ha. Then we met with Tim and Cathy Richard. They are the people who fix our bikes. We chatted with them about Mormonism and they told us about Catholicism. They are super nice and it was good getting to hear their views and they really appreciated our sincerity. Then we had dinner at the Pennock's. We found out that they are Elder Rapp's 4th cousins. hah. Then we met with Bro Jones and the sisters to go over the YSA's. We got Transfer Calls today, and Elder Finlayson is leaving. :(
Wednesday: Today we had district meeting, our last one of the transfer. It was on Charity. It was really good. Charity is such a great Christlike Attribute, I never realized that in "Love one Another" and in John 13:35, that it says, "by this shall men know, Ye are my disciples." It's so true, when we show Christlike love for others, they recognize us as his disciples and they can trust us. Then we took district pics and had lunch at Big Apple Bagles and I also brought my cheesecake to share with everyone. :) Then we went to John S.'s with Bro. Place. We had a super spiritual lesson with them. We talked a lot about forgiveness and she really opened up to us about all of their family problems and it was really emotional for all of us. We were able to tell them that the Gospel will help them with all of their problems and that's all because Jesus Christ suffered for us. Then we taught Ben and watched Finding Faith in Christ with him. He also gave us his cigarettes which was great. Then we had dinner at the Cormier's. She made her amazing enchiladas and also made a cake, since it was my "birthday dinner". Patti is the sweetest lady ever. I love her and Curt. :)
Thursday: Today we went to Midland High School field and did some sprints and bleachers and stuff, it was sweet. We taught Helen today about Tithing. It went well, but she is pretty hard to teach because she likes to look for excuses... Then we went home teaching with Bro. Lindauer to Sister Bethea where we talked about being patient through our trials. (Alma 26:27 & D&C 121:7-8) Then we did our weekly planning. It was definitely an interesting one. We started wrestling to liven things up but then it got a little too serious. So things were a little tense for a while after but we talked and joked it off. hah. :) Then we had a steak dinner at the Marcou's. It was delicious. We also taught them the GOJC, it was really good. I love the Marcou's. They are gems.
Friday: Today we went and visited Bro. Sovereen. He showed us his photo album of his trip he just took to Italy, it was pretty cool. Then we met with Joe and we taught him about enduring to the end. Then Judie shined us, so we knocked for a long time. We met a Muslim who invited us to come back so he could learn more about us. We also met a lady named Cathy who is really solid. She said she will read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. She wants to read the whole thing.Then we knocked into these guys named Phil and Dave. They were something. Phil was definitely under the influence and so was Dave. So they invited us in and we taught the Resto then they told me to take a step back and think about what I'm doing, I'm putting my entire life off of a book so I bore them my testimony. And the Spirit was really strong. Then they told us how we should go into sales, if we have such a strong conviction for something we "can't prove" then we would be great at sales. Then they told us how successful we will be. ha. It was really funny and it was also a great experience to talk with them. They also invited us to go to a movie with them.
Saturday: Today we got cancelled on by a part member family, so we knocked all day. We played 20 questions the whole time, to mix it up a little. Then we stopped at Bro. Jones and we helped him pick his grape vine and he also fed us lunch. Then we met with James C. We had a really intense lesson with him about doing the small and simple things. (Alma 37:6-7) He really opened up to us, it was really great. Then we met with Judie and had a really great discussion with her. She is also really solid.
Sunday: John and Ben came to church today! It was awesome. John really liked it, and it was great to have him there. Both the talks in church were on Christlike patience. They were amazing. Then during the closing prayer in Gospel Principles, Joe snored like a bear. And then John said "He's not sleeping, he's praying through his nose" hah. After church we had coordination meeting. Then we tried to see a bunch of people. We saw Cathy again and she gave us cupcakes,and said she has read a little bit of the Book of Mormon. Then we knocked for a little bit. Then we had dinner at the Herzog's. They made lasagna and we were just talking earlier with the Sisters and Bro. Smith about how Elder Rapp hates lasagna and then we had it for dinner, it was hilarious. :)
So the highlight of the week was John coming to church, he's so solid. He has a surgery on Wednesday, so keep him in your prayers that he will be okay.
My spiritual thought of the week has to do with Agency. We had a lesson on it in Gospel Principles. So I learned this quote from Coach Graft "You are either getting better or you're getting worse, you never stay the same" Every second of every day, we have to make choices, and if it's a righteous choice, we become better and progess, if it's not, we take a step back. We can't take a break from agency, if so we are using our agency to not use our agency. Life is full of choices and we just need to continue to do our best to make the right ones. As we choose to keep the commandments we become more like Him. (D&C 93:28) As we sin, we become servants of sin. (John 8:34) So do what D&C 58:27 and be "anxiously engaged in a good cause" that way our righteous choices lead to "righteous consequences." Remember, we don't get to choose our consequences.
I love you all and thank you so much for all the love and support you give me.
Elder Chalmers
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GQ worthy...ha! |
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District Family |
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Pre-wrestling match |
I'M 19!
Hello Everybody! Oct. 13, 2014
This past week was such a good one! I had a great birthday, and we had some really cool experiences!
Last Monday: After e-mailing we went to the Midland High JV soccer game to watch Blake's stepson Kyle and Spencer James play. It was really fun getting to watch them. I felt like I was at one of my soccer games being there. Then we had dinner with the Joneses. (Val and Lori) She made this squash and it was so good! Elder Rapp did not like it but I was loving it. :) I've noticed that I will eat anything now and it all tastes so good to me. I haven't had one bad meal my entire mission. Gotta love Stateside! :) Then we met with Blake.
Tuesday: Today we pretty much knocked all day. I don't really remember anything too exciting happening. One guy started yelling at us on the doorstep though, it was pretty intense. I kept trying to apologize if we had offended him but he wasn't having it. hah. Then we taught Jeff H. that night. It wasn't too good. He's a Seventh-day adventist and he won't read the Book of Mormon, so anytime we show him a scripture out of it he just ignores it, it's really frustrating, it drives me insane! But, I get over it. :) I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I can't complain. :)
Wednesday: It was my Birthday! We had district meeting and the whole time we did practice finding and teaching. It was really cool. I learned a lot. Then after that we got to watch Meet the Mormons! It was so good. It just plays with your emotions, almost all of us missionaries were crying by the end of it. hah. Then we had district lunch at Mancino's which was delicious as usual. :) Then we went home to change and there were 3 big boxes outside our door. My family just spoiled me. :) I would tell you everything I got but the list would be so long and all of you would get really covetous. ;) I also got some other packages that were all really nice, so thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts. I loved them all. :) We got to knock doors for a while and then Sister Pierce brought us over Wendy's since they were all super busy, it was really good. Bro Jones had us over and he and his wife gave me a present. It was an apron, it's a pretty funny one. They are so great! We then knocked some more doors and met a really cool guy named Preston. Then Jon and Jan Marcou had us over and we had birthday cake and a lesson with them. It was really fun. They told us the story of their daughter's conversion.
Thursday: Today was also really fun. After studies we went out to Dennis's. We did some more tear-off on his roof and had lunch with him. He's so funny. We had a lot of fun. Then we taught Ben and we gave him a pack of gum. We told him to chew it whenever he felt the urge to smoke, so we're really praying that that will help him. We had dinner at the Smith's home. It was really funny, she told us that she doesn't feed the sister missionaries because they should be able to cook for themselves. hah. We had no problem with it. :) Then we went to see Tim Richard, who is the guy who always fixes our bikes whenever they break. (which is all the time...) We just went to thank him. Then we got talking and he invited us back so we're pretty excited to see him and his wife again. Then we met with Josh & Emily. He's the guy who Elder Rapp and I met the first day he was here. We taught them the Resto and they are really open to learn about it. She even prayed at the end of the lesson. :)
Friday: Today was also a great day. We got to teach Helen. We had to go over the Word of Wisdom with her since Asians love their tea, but we were able to clarify that with her so it's all good. :) Then we met with Joe and we taught him the Plan of Salvation. One of his friends was there and she was listening to the whole thing, so it was really cool. Then we did weekly planning. We met a lady named Sally while we were knocking doors. She was really nice and we talked with her for a while and were able to swap info with her so we're excited about her as well. :) Then we went to see Curt, since Patti is on a womens' retreat. We talked for a while and took their dog Emma on a walk for him, since he was exhausted. That dog goes on two legs when it pees! It's so funny. hah.
Saturday: We got to play soccer with the ward in the morning. It was so much fun! When we got there it was 33 degrees outside, it was chilly! Elder Rapp is like mom, he hates the cold, but I was fine, I'm part Alaskan still. ;) I was in heaven. I scored a hat trick. ha. Afterwards, we studied. We spent almost the entire day at the Tridge since there were a lot of people there. We also got to go out to Jon's house. Bro and Sis Jones came with us. We had like a two hour lesson with him and his wife. It was so cool! They told us all of their struggles and they are definitely struggling. Then Bro Jones asked if they had been praying and they said they had and he said that we were the answer to their prayers. It was really bold, but powerful. Jon is so solid. It's amazing how prepared he is. He told us how he's been defending the Book of Mormon to his in-laws. He's so humble and has so much faith, it's truly a miracle. After Jon, we spent the rest of the day at the Tridge.
Sunday: Today we were able to attend Ward Council for the first time! It was really cool. It was an eye opening experience to see what goes on "behind the scenes" in a ward. None of our investigators came to church. :( However Jon did text us after church and told us he wants to meet soon and set his date for baptism. :) Joe also had his Priesthood ordination today then we went and visited Krista F. Who Elder Rapp and Stevenson met on trade-offs. She is so cool, so is her fiance Steve. He made a few polygamy jokes and it went really well. :) We gave them a resto and Plan of salvation pamphlet. Then we had to study. Then we had dinner at the James. We had corn chowder with bacon in it. It was heaven sent and it being fast Sunday didn't hurt. :) I love the James family, I love them. They remind me a lot of my family. They are all so nice and friendly. I love being in their home. Then we taught the McCormicks about keeping the Sabbath-day holy. We read D&C 59 with them, it went really well.
Today we have shopped, helped out Bro Lindauer, studied, and then shopped some more. ha.
The spiritual thought of the week has to do with patience. I have been studying patience lately since it's definitely something I've been working on. I love both Alma 26:27 & 17:10-11. They both talk about how when we are patient through our trials,then we will be blessed and be successful. I can testify that it's true especially at the very beginning of my mission, I just couldn't wait for my two years to be up and it was really hard. There was one morning where Elder Hess got in the shower and I just broke down. I just wanted to go home and be with my family but now, I don't feel that way. I can't wait to see my family again, but I don't want to go home anymore. I love it here. I was thinking yesterday how sad I will be when I have to leave Midland. I would already say that my mission has been a success so far, I love it. So I promise that as we are all patient in our trials, God "will give unto you success."
I love you all and am always praying for you. Thanks for all the love and support.
Elder Chalmers
The "Chalmers" Twins |
Dennis's roof |
Birthday cake with The Marcous' |
My cupcake from Elder Wiscombe |
My apron from the Joneses |
Hey everybody!!!
As you can see, I'm still pretty hot about conference, it was so good. I guess I will also confess that it was also the first time I have watched all 5 of the sessions and man, I wasted my time not always watching them, they were all so good. All of us missionaries were loving Elder Bednar's talk, it was so good.
Anyway, I had a really good and fun week so let me tell y'all about it!
Monday: Last week we had dinner and taught a FHE at Helen's. We sang childrens' hymns in Chinese and did a matching game of "I am a Child of God" in English and Chinese for Gordon. It's crazy, they speak way more Chinese than English, so we have to deal with a language barrier which I didn't think would be a problem. Helen is so amazing. She is so solid, she hasn't missed church yet and even was at the church for both of the sessions on Sunday. She loves the gospel,and just wants to know it all, she has such a strong desire. It's so amazing to see. Then we met with Blake.
Tuesday: Today we witnessed a miracle! So since it was the last day of the month we didn't have any miles left so we were stuck walking all day. When you walk you can't get nearly as much missionary work done. :/ We went to the Tridge and then after lunch we walked to try and see Bro. Sovereen, who it turns out is in Italy. So after knocking doors for a while we had to walk to Curt and Patti's. I thought they were about 3 miles away but they were actually about 5 and we were supposed to be there in an hour. So I had planned to go down Jefferson then on Saginaw, then up Bay City Road to get there. (I realize none of this makes sense to you, but if you get a map of Midland it sort of would, ha) But once we got to Wheeler I just felt like we should walk down that street and then we came to Washington and I felt like we should turn on that street as well then about 30 seconds later, Curt pulled up next to us and told us to get in. IT was a MIRACLE! He drove us to his house and Patti had made pancakes and had made more than usual. She said she just felt like she should have extra so we also got fed dinner! It was such a cool experience. It's crazy how things as simple as getting a ride and getting fed dinner can have such an impact on us. I know that the Holy Ghost was leading us to Washington so Curt could pick us up, The Lord cares about even our smallest, almost insignificant needs. After the Cormiers we met with Jeff H. & Drew. They basically just told us how the Bible proves us wrong about the Fall, Spirit World, and other things. I was so frustrated during the whole thing because I know they are wrong, but I didn't want to be confrontational. It was rough. Then we traded-off with the 1st ward Elders, so I went to their area. Elder Finlayson and I cleared out their living room and we wrestled. :) It was intense, we wrestled for like 15 min. We went to bed way too sweaty. ha.
Wednesday: For my studies, I was still pretty hot about our meeting with Jeff and Drew so I was studying the fall and Spirit World and it was mostly out of spite, so it wasn't too good. After studies, we met one of their investigators, Diane, at the family history center. The people there helped her out and so Elder Finlayson and I were looking at family history. I was looking around and clicked on Grandpa Bob. I was able to re-read his conversion story and testimony when he returned to Hawaii. I'm pretty sure that was Grandma Chalmers who put those on there, so I want to thank you, Grandma. His story and testimony are so powerful and they really brought me a lot of comfort and an even stronger conviction to share the gospel and help others the way Elder Smoot & Anderson did for our family. We then drove way out of town and met with Betty. She has been having a really hard time quitting smoking and says that she just can't quit so I asked her how her prayers have been. She said she does good at night, but not in the morning. So we talked about the importance of starting your day off with prayer and asking for guidance and help from your Father in Heaven. (2 Nephi 32:8-9) Then we made prayer rocks with her which was pretty fun. Following Betty, we did service for a member of the ward who is moving. He is redoing his roof so we were doing tear-off on his roof. He has two layers of shingles on there, so it was intense. Once we left, I was drenched in sweat, it was really fun though. Then I got to do something that I have wanted to do ever since I came to Midland... We went to Genji! It's a Hibachi grilling place and some members of the 1st ward always take the missionaries there so I lucked out. It was So Good! :)
Thursday: This morning we played some zone ball since we had zone training. It was a ton of fun. I got to see Elder Wiscombe. He is training as well, he's so awesome. It was a ton of fun playing ball. One of the missionaries, Elder Wheat, can thrown it down. He's a beast. Then we had zone training, which was really good. Elder Tuttle had two of the elders come up and do a practice door knock on him and would stop it every so often and go over it, it was really cool. Then we weekly planned and later met with James Cannady. Then at night we met with Laura Chubb with the Sisters. She is a less-active. She gave us donuts and is just a super nice, sweet lady.
Friday: Today we did a lot of knocking without much success. We had to stop at the Cormier's to let them know that Bro. Jones was picking them up to go do baptisms for the dead. Curt asked me how our meeting with Jeff & Drew went. I told him it wasn't too good and that we probably weren't going to keep meeting with them, since it wasn't really going anywhere. Curt was NOT happy about that. He then proceeded to "let me have it" for about an hour. He kept telling me that there can only be one truth and we have it so we need to let them know it. Curt was part of a ministry for about 3 years and so he has a serious "bible bashing" mentality. He's already told us that he's coming with us to our next meeting with them, so we will see how that goes... :) hah. Then we got lunch at Taco Bell and the cashier was like "You're Mormons? I love Mormons." So we talked with her for a while and got her info. It was the only interested person we met all day, it was pretty cool. Then we did service. We also stopped in on the McCormick's and Penny said that Don had gotten in a car accident and freaking scared us half to death but then Don was alright so we talked with them for a while, it was a really good meeting. Then since it was Elder Nielsen's b-day they came over and we made spaghetti and had his Reese's ice cream cake that was really good. :)
Saturday: We woke up and studied as usual and then went to the Seventh-Day Adventist worship service since Jeff was giving the sermon. He gave a good sermon, it was kind of funny, everyone shook our hand and made sure to tell us "Happy Sabbath." Then we watched conference at the church. It was so dang good. I really liked Lynn G. Robbins talk about remember which way you face, also Elder Christofferson's talk. In between sessions we went and met with David Clark. Then we came back and watched the next session. I really liked Andersen, Callister, and Klebingat all in a row. I loved how bold Klebingat was. After conference we had dinner at the church. Sister Reyes made us and the 1st ward sisters enchiladas. Then we met Bro. Jones at DQ for blizzards. Then we watched priesthood session. I loved all of it. I don't want to give away any of the secrets of it though... ;) hah. Then we went home and went to bed, it's so weird that priesthood doesn't end until 10PM here!
Sunday: We met Ben early and talked about conference and then watched it. I thought Hales' talk was really cool. Then we had a brunch for our gospel principles class. It was so good! Then we watched the last session of conference. Elder Bednar's talk was a great way to finish it off. :) Then we had dinner at the church again. Sister Reyes fed us again, she's an angel. Then we met with the McCormicks. We talked about conference and especially Elder Bednar's talk. It was really cool. We let her know why we were there and that we were there for her and to help her come unto Christ, it was really good. Then we stopped by the Cormiers to talk about meeting with Jeff and Drew.
I just want to let all of you know how thankful I am for each one of you. I am loving serving a mission. It is so much fun. I have really come to love the Gospel. Everyday when I study, I love it. I just wish I could know it all and have more time to study. I always have to remind myself of 2 Nephi 28:30- Line upon line, precept upon precept. There is nothing better than learning and teaching about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love it!
My thought for the week comes from something I noticed at conference. In at least 3 talks, they quoted Helaman 5:12. I know that there is a reason that the Lord inspired so many people to talk about it. It talks about how we need to build our foundation upon Christ. That when the devil shall send trials our way they will have no power over us because we have built our foundation on Christ. I would challenge all of us, including myself, to follow what Elder Richard G. Scott spoke about and do each one of those four things, (Pray, Scriptures, FHE, and Temple) to continue to build and strengthen our testimony of Christ so that we will have a strong foundation which we all need. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and that through his Atonement we can be made clean. So let us all "Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him." As Lorenzo Snow said, "Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today!
Elder Chalmers
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shopping |
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conference is tiring |
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Comp unity! |
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